blueFocus has provided meaningful impact over recent engagements that reflect on our know-how and business approach, as well as on our broad range of cross-sectoral solutions throughout all different stages of the infrastructure lifecycle.

blueFocus team has executed assignments across the globe, including supranational projects that take a holistic approach to entire regions, with a focus on the Mediterranean and Latin America


blueFocus recent experiences include fesibility studies for business development, structuring of PPPs and bidding processes, advisory during M&A procedures and strategic, commercial and technical assistance for port planning across the globe.

Support on the strategic roadmap for the Port of Barcelona 2040 (Spain)

The Port of Barcelona is the first Spanish port in terms of international trade.

blueFocus conducted a thorough analysis of current and future trends in the logistics-port sector and creation of a 2040 vision of the Port of Barcelona for its inclusion in the Port´s Fourth Strategic Plan. The plan involves two different time horizons. The first is a short-term horizon, with a set of objectives and projects for the nearest period, 2021-2025. The second is a long-term vision, up to 2040, which outlines the most plausible future scenarios and indicates the lines of action necessary to guide the actions of the Logistics-Port Community and guarantee its competitive position in the most plausible scenarios.

Market assessment and traffic forecast for the developemnt of transhipment traffic in Ain Sokhna (Egypt)

Ain Sokhna port is located in Egypt, on the western coast of the Gulf of Suez, and is bound to become a regional hub for national and international traffic. Expansion plans plan for the port include new container terminals, dry bulk and general cargo terminals, liquid bulk terminals, logistics, warehousing facilities and a dry port.

blueFocus conducted an in-depth market study to analyze the potential of the port to become a transshipment hub for the region, including the analysis and characterization of the historical traffic volumes in the region, the evaluation of the current and foreseeable shipping dynamics in the Red Sea region and a thorough competitive analysis against the main port infrastructure in the region

Initial PMO and design of business processes for PISISI port project (Colombia)

blueFocus has taken care of the definition of the Business Model for both the Port Operator and the Port Authority of a greenfield terminal in the north of Colombia, while designing processes for the departments of Operations, Commercial and Security.

Feasibility analysis for a logistics hub for distribution in the Caribbean 

A leading logistics player wanted to study the potential development of a logistics hub in the Caribbean for distributing cargo across the region. blueFocus conducted a regional benchmark, mapped logistics dynamics for all major industries, and analyzed contestable markets for different macro-locations.

blueFocus conducted an in-depth market study to analyze the potential of the port to become a transshipment hub for the region, including the analysis and characterization of the historical traffic volumes in the region, the evaluation of the current and foreseeable shipping dynamics in the Red Sea region and a thorough competitive analysis against the main port infrastructure in the region

Business and Technical Due Diligence of several multipurpose terminal assets and logistics facilities

blueFocus assisted the buy-side to conduct business and technical Due Diligence analyses for the acquisition of the terminal and logisitcs assets of one of the main port operators in Brazil.

blueFocus delivered a demand forecast based on a in-depth market analysis and competitive positioning evaluation for each business unit. The engagement also involved the assessment of each business plan, including tariffs and unit revenues, variables and fixed costs and CapEx.

Commercial Due Diligence of a towage and pilotage operator  
(Spain and Mexico)

blueFocus was engaged to perform a detailed commercial analysis and assist the buyer-side during the selling process of the pilotage and towage unit in Spain and Mexico of one of the main international operators.

Commercial feasibility of a regular container shuttle Sevilla-Algeciras (Spain)

Sevilla, only inland harbour in Spain, wanted to trigger a shuttle connecting regularly with Algeciras.

blueFocus structured different service alternatives, conducting a business feasibility analysis for all of them and a carbon footprint evaluation.

Market study and dimensioning of the potential demand for the Logistics Platform of the Interoceanic Corridor of the isthmus of Tehuantepec (CIIT)

The Mexican Government is seeking to develop an interoceanic railway network to connect the container terminals in Salina Cruz (Pacific coast) and Coatzacoalcos (Atlantic coast), the Corredor Interoceánico del Istmo de Tehuantepec (CIIT).

blueFocus was appointed to determine the market size and the potential demand for the CIIT, the origins and destinations of the cargo, as well as the types of merchandise that are currently transported through the different land bridges and interoceanic canals. As a result of the engagement, blueFocus provided strategic recommendation regarding specific players, segments, industries, origins and destinations that would benefit from the land bridge operation.

Study on positive environmental externalities out of Peiraos do Solpor project at Vigo (Spain)

Vigo Port Authority plans to execute a biological regeneration project in the Peiraos do Solpor area, which should improve both the port-city relationship and the port's overall sustainability.

Within the study of alternatives, blueFocus performed a full MEIPOR assessment including both financial and socio-economic analyses. The socioeconomic analysis consisted of measuring social benefits attached to the positive effects of biological regeneration to the community located in the direct hinterland of the area. Those externalities were quantified using the Transfer of Benefits Method and other econometric methodologies.

Identification of opportunities in the port industry derived from the Next Generation EU funds (Spain)

blueFocus was engaged by the Embassy of Canada to Spain to carry out an assessment of potential investment opportunities in the Spanish ports industry. The objective of the project was to identify the opportunities, nationally and internationally, derived from the new Strategic Framework approved by Puertos del Estado (Spanish National Port Authority) and the rest of the changes taking place in the sector

Business and Technical Due Diligence of SPB terminal assets  (Colombia)

SPB is the largest multipurpose terminal in the port of Barranquilla (Colombia). blueFocus assisted the buy-side to conduct business and technical Due Diligence analyses.

After the acqusition was completed, blueFocus supported the buyer during the fisrts months of operation to convey its visions and goals for the business to SPB´s management, operations, maintenance, IT and security C-level panel.

Commercial Due Diligence of Tramarsa Flota business units (Peru)

Tramarsa Flota is a leading provider of towage, pilotage and other port-related services in Peru.

blueFocus was engaged to perform a thought commercial analysis and assist the eventual buyer over MP sessions.

Financial and economic feasibility of a new intermodal terminal for Ro-Ro cargo in Bouzas (Spain)

In 2021, Vigo became the busiest facility in the entire Spanish ports system in terms of throughput of finished vehicles.

In anticipation of expected future traffic, Vigo Port Authority is currently immersed in the expansion of the Bouzas Terminal, which does not have rail access at present. The absence of rail connectivity refrains Vigo from taking advantage of important benefits in terms of capacity, energy efficiency, safety, environmental sustainability, among others.

In this context, Vigo Port Authority wanted to analyze the technical and socioeconomic feasibility of an intermodal terminal in Bouzas, carrying out a preliminary study on potential attraction of rail cargo resulting from its strategic positioning against other alternative corridors.

Conceptualization, business modelling and team coordination of a Private Initiative (Costa Rica)

The Port of Caldera is the only commercial port in the Pacific coast of Costa Rica and is currently facing congestion and productivity problems that may jeopardize traffic growth in the port and hence impact the regional development. The current concession contract does not establish any investment mechanism for the concession-holder and its operations are limited to the INCOP-administered land, restricting potential growth or any developments under the existing framework.

In this context, blueFocus was engaged by one of the world´s top port operators to carry out the technical, commercial and economic-financial structuring for the presentation of a Private Initiative for the development of the port, ensuring that it meets its expected future demand.